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My Story

With an English Celtic and Balkan heritage, it was practically written in my DNA that I was destined to serve the divine. Not only in this lifetime, but the many other lifetimes that I have now come to rediscover along my own hero's journey.


Hi! My name is Lita, Creator & Founder Of Love, Scorpio Moon.


From a very young age, I have been intuitive, empathic, Clairsentient &  Claircognizant. I've always had the innate ability to feel and tune into other peoples emotions physically, emotionally and telepathically, as have most of the women in my family on my Mothers side. My Grandmother was a powerful force, and even though she is no longer with us on this Earth school, she still shows her presence to me in various ways & I now class her as one of my most powerful spirit guides.


Myself... I owned my first set of Tarot cards and crystals around the age of 7, regularly performing energy cleanses on unsuspecting family members and school friends, all whilst astrally projecting across the multiverse most nights at bedtime. :D

I thought everyone used to see florescent purple visions in the middle of their forehead while they were in bed or able to fly around their rooms entering doorways that were not in this physical realm...!


Over time, and with most of the 'human responsibilities' that come with adulthood  - these gifts lay semi dormant for most of my most of my teens and 20's.

In 2017 however, my spiritual journey took a significant turn when I experienced a powerful & unexpected Kundalini awakening and higher heart activation upon meeting my Twin Soul/Twin Flame in this physical lifetime.

(For those of you that are not familiar with this term - it is basically a meeting your energetic mirror/blueprint from the beginning of time when you were the first atom in the universe - essentially it is you in another human form...)


Yep... it WAS just as intense and magical as it sounds!


This encounter catalysed me into a profound and unexpected energetic shift & transformation, catapulting me out of my human slumber and back into my true soul purpose of service to the divine. 

A cosmic remembrance if you like.


The experience not only lifted the veil that most of us humans remain under, but it re- opened my soul to the immense wonder of healing, manifestation, personal transformation and literal magic.  

I am now dedicated to helping guide others in their own journeys, guiding them to heal, release negativity, manifest their deepest desires, and embrace their truest selves through various spiritual & Healing modalities.


I am incredibly passionate about what I do, and truly consider it a blessing to be a way-shower. I have firsthand experience of awakening the force within us all, and I help other beautiful beings tune into their own to make the world a more peaceful, heart centred and loving place.


My Mission

My mission is to help individuals just like you reconnect with their soul's purpose, heal limiting beliefs and tap into the magic that surrounds us constantly.  

Believe me when I say that tapping into this magic and clearing your energetic body using various energetic alignment methods can create life-altering changes that may currently seem unimaginable to you. 

This journey requires some key components.... Trust, Openness, Will. Faith & Belief.. With these in place, the joy that will be brought into your YOUniverse will be so awe inspiring you will absolutely wonder how you ever lived any other way!


There is the pre conceived notion that being "spiritual" is some form of religion or 'woo -woo' concept amongst some.. I'm here to show you that being 'Spiritual ' is simply a part of who you are as a human being. It is not separate from you... It's just that some souls need a little more help in remembering why they are here. The Earth is a school for our growth and evolution... Spiritually, Emotionally, Mentally & Physically. Some of us MAY BE a little further in the journey but we are ALL here to experience the divine and ALL have dormant gifts that need a nudge sometimes!


Let me ask you...If you had a choice between growing and staying the same which would you choose? I'm hoping that you are here because of the former..


If I have yet to persuade you to embrace your divine being and you'd like to get to know me better before committing to working together, I invite you to watch the video below, where I share more of my own story and how I ended up here...

By simply visiting this page, you have already made the first step in committing to embark on your new journey. I am simply here to be a guide on the magical tour bus down the Yellow brick road to your own Emerald City within....( and let me say its certainly the best adventure i've ever personally ever been on :)


Namaste, my fellow Warriors & High Priestesses...until we meet, may your path be filled with light, and with all my love - I look forward to working with you.


Lita Luna X

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Ami Maldives
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A Little Deeper...

I was born on the 20th March (Vernal/Spring Equinox AKA the cusp of rebirth and the new astrological New Year) 

This makes me a 'Pisc- Arien' Sun sign and astrologiacally in natural Inner 'Divine Union' (Equinox represents equal day/night & Masculine Feminine energy balance) 

My moon is indeed in the sign of Scorpio! 


My Human Design is 'Vessel of Love 1', meaning that I hold channel the of 'Universal Love' as my souls highest purpose.


My main life's Gene Key is 25

The 25th Gene Key is also known as the 3rd Sacred seal

(aka Seraphim Archangel Raphael)


 LITA means 'Love Is The Answer'. My human name is Ami which also means Love & Amrita (Divine Nectar) in Sanskrit.


I'm followed by synchronicity daily (since awakening 7 years ago) My wake up call synchronicity was 11:11


I was born on the 111th day of the Mayan Calendar.


My full birth name adds to 888 in Sumerian Gematria.


I have been channelling Light Language since being a child.


I work with a number of beautiful spirit guides from the Angelic realm (Seraphim) Archangel Michael, Gabriel & Raphael.

I am also a channel for the Divine Goddess Isis, Inanna, Guan Yin, Shakti, Hanuman, Sirius Lions & more recently been inititated by Isis to channel Dragon Energy. 


Before being of service to the world or spiritual healing and wellness, I was (and still am) a Singer/Songwriter & Dj that has travelled the world and performed with many well known artists. 

I now prefer to perform as an Ecstatic Dance DJ - & l lived in Thailand for 2 years in the Jungle of Koh Pha-Ngan in 2021 - hosting music and conscious events on the Island.


I now adore to empower people in navigating and harnessing their own higher energies, using intuitive and practiced techniques to awaken dormant life force (Kundalini) opening and strengthening  heart chakras and helping people tune into their higher self & own  divine guides.


I really do love love love LOVE!!


It is the most powerful energy in the entire Universe <3











Ami Rich Heart


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